Happy Mid-Autumn Festival and China National Day!
1st October 2020. Mark the date in your calendar. Not only is it the beginning of the Mid-Autumn Festival, it is also the beginning of Golden Week and China’s National holiday. It’s extremely rare for these celebration to occur on the same day. Keep reading to find out how you can make the most of it with your business and with your family.

Mid-Autumn Festival
The Mid-Autumn Festival often falls in late September or the beginning of October, on the night of the full moon. The holiday is linked to the story of Chang’e, who is the Chinese goddess of immortality. Legend says she lives with a rabbit companion on the moon. Similar to the harvest festival in Europe, Chinese people celebrate by gazing at the full moon with close family, friends and their partner. It is a time for reunion between family members and holds many centuries old traditions.
For example, one noteworthy tradition is the consumption of delicious mooncakes. Popular and traditional fillings include: nuts, sweet bean paste and lotus seed paste. Many companies from all sorts of industries produce mooncake gift boxes to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.

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Golden Week
Golden week starts on the 1st of October. It began in 2000 and was created to encourage domestic spending. It’s departure from traditional holidays means it’s up to you whether you want to treat yourself to a new suit, or a meal at a restaurant. The 1st of October also celebrates the formation of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. Decoration and festivities during this week often incorporate the Chinese flag and reflect national pride.
Crucially, since China’s eradication of coronavirus, the Golden Week of 2020 holds particular significance. Travel abroad is banned, many will be spending and travelling within China’s borders. Therefore, people’s willingness to spend next week could indicate how quickly China (and the world) can recover from the economic consequences of the pandemic.
How can UK businesses celebrate?
Lastly, what can you do to join in on the fun? A simple way UK businesses can connect with Chinese people, is to celebrate each other’s holidays. Posting a simple celebratory message on social media is a perfect start. In your personal life, you could buy some mooncakes to share with your family. Alternatively, if you’re adventurous you could try out a new mooncake recipe! Above all, with the hardships of 2020, reasons to celebrate are few and far between. So why not seize the opportunity to show your loved ones how much you care. Slow down and look up at the moon and the stars with those you hold most dear.
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